Our little ballerina!
For those who may not know, Katie has had some anxiety about getting on the big stage for the recital... or maybe that was mama that had the anxiety!!! She was so excited and did beautifully! This recital built her confidence more than anything she has ever done... so it was definately worth every penny and all the time and effort!
We had a jammed packed weekend! Katie had her first ballet recital, sang in church and had Grandmama come and visit. It was hectic but all in all a great weekend. Also, Craig bought me a new dresser, something I badly needed. However, that meant that we had to move furniture, clean out my old dresser and computer cabinet. It was a pretty big undertaking seeing that the new dresser was as tall as I am!! But we did it (just the two of us!) I can still move large furniture, although my back is still aching! Here are some pictures from the weekend!
a family picture, something we seldom get taken! (by the way, Ben did AWESOME during the recital!!)
Time with Grandmama!!!1
Time with Grandmama!!!1
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