Thursday, February 11, 2010

Extreme Fit Training.... BOOT CAMP!!!

I have finally taken the plunge towards a better, healthier lifestyle... I joined Extreme Fit Boot Camp.... and when I say BOOT CAMP...I am NOT joking!! It has kicked my booty!!!! I started last Friday and it shocked my body!! 30 sit-ups (real ones) 60+ pushups, lunges out the whaazooo and weights! WHEW! and all of this at 5:30 am! But I felt good and like I had accomplished something UNTIL Saturday when I could NOT get out of the bed or WALK!!!!! OUCH!!! I was hurting and hurting BAD!!! Valeria, my instructor is AWESOME... cute, sweet and such an encourager! How could I hate her and what she was doing to me??? I couldn't so I worked through the pain one ouch and ugh at a time. I went to the gym to do an extra workout on SUnday... REALLY??? I was able to accomplish about half and my hamstrings were KILLING me, and then my quad muscle started hurting really bad!!!! I could barely walk AGAIN and I was supposed to get up Monday morning for the next class?!? SOOO I went to bed early Sunday night hoping that the muscles would feel better in the morning. MONDAY: get to boot camp and Valeria has us do a little exercise call the Indian Run.... AHHHHHH it was so hard for me, sprinting to the front of a line of people and trying to keep the pace? It about killed me, but I made it through... last one practically to finish. I was able to do 30 complete sit ups (with lots of screaming and pain) and a few more push ups than before... I was feelin' GOOD!!!!
My quad and hamstrings were still hurting though.... Wednesday morning 5:00am I start to get up out of the bed for BOOT CAMP and AWWWWWWWWWW... my hip flexor muscle,...(did not know I had one of those) I pulled something!!! IT hurt like a well, you know, it hurt. I got to boot camp hurting ALOT. I did not want to look like a whimp or whine but with every move, I was dying... I finally had to fess up to Valerie and tell her what was going on. I was soooo mad at myself because I could not do ANYTHING without pain. Valerie helped me modify the exercises but I knew I was not burning the calories I wanted to be burning... GRRRRR!!! But honestly, folks, I was hurting BAD. Valerie stretched us out at the end and went over some stretches with me. I took it easy the rest of the day... and last night? My quad is feeling so much better and so are my hamstrings... My hip flexor is a bit sore and I am a little gun shy about doing sit ups... BUt I feel like I am back in the game for Tomorrow morning at 5:30!!! So, I will get up at 5 am (hopefully with no snow falling) and head to the gym to get my butt kicked again!!! WOO HOO!!!!

AND there is a Free Boot Camp Giveway!!!! I am so registering for that!!! Here is the link to check out their website and sign up for a class!!! IT is worth it, pain and all!!! really, I promise!!!