Saturday, November 29, 2008


We had a great time at Mimi and Pop's house in Georgia! The food was fabulous and the company was great! The kids just love being with mimi and pop and helping out in the kitchen. Ben loved hanging with pop in the woods and just doing boy things. We ate great, went to a the movies, shopped a little and once the kids went to bed we watched more movies(kind of a tradition for us). I have a lot to be thankful for this year. I am so thankful for my babies and hubby and really thankful for MY great parents. THanks for having us, Mom and Dad, I bet it is REALLY quiet at your house!!! hee hee

Boys doing "boy things" didn't you know you need an electic saw to cut a hickory stick?? (getting the hickory cut to smoke the turkey!)

Mimi and her little helper!

cooking up something good!

Turkey legs, anyone?

Ben making his roll an airplane and Katie telling Pop one of her MANY stories!!!


Me on Metatrophin said...

Love the cooking up something good photo. Your parents' house is gorgeous. Where exactly in GA is it? If it's close, we should meet sometime. Glad your Turkey Day was awesome!