Saturday, July 12, 2008

A Day at the Lake

David and Leah Knight were so nice to invite us to their lake house on Lay Lake... it was awesome! We spent the day in the boat tubing and swimming. We had a small break when a thunderstorm came through but it was all good. We ate at this hole in the wall place that had lots of character and GREAT cheeseburgers!!! Ben really took to both Leah and David. He kept on saying : I love them! and David is #1 in Katie's book when he let her "drive" the boat!!! Now Craig REALLY wants a boat and a lake house... me too, I have to say!!!

Ben and Mama ready for tubing!

Katie found a lizard during the rainstorm!
Mama tubing!!! AHHH!
Daddy tubing!!
Katie being a brave girl with Miss Leah!
Ben helping bring in his sister!
Leah was so sweet to take both Ben and Katie tubing... Ben loved it!
The "boys" swimming!
Enjoying the water!

Katie at the wheel!!! look-out!


Anonymous said...

Looks like you guys had a GREAT time!!! LOVE the picture of Katie driving the boat!