Saturday, September 13, 2008

Native Americans Visit Greystone

Jen in teacher mode!!!

Katie watching and sweating during the performance!

This past Thursday, a group of Alabama Native Americans visited our school. The public relations guy for our district was out taking pictures. He mananged to snap one of Katie. It was so hot out there and if you know Katie she sweats if she looks at something hot!!! It was quite miserable out there if you ask me but if you ask the kids they thought the performance was great. (which it was). Jason Gastin, The PR guy, also snapped a pic of Mrs. Mattox watching in full teacher mode... hands on the hips and all!!!


The G' Unit said...

Hey Jen...cute pix! I love BIG bows...Sophia is a bow head too!
I hope you don't mind that I linked you to our blog...oh...and I told Kent's parents that you have a I'm sure they will visit your blog...! I really am enjoying this stuff...but I'm wondering if I will keep up with it...and if I will dwindle to just blogging once a month....with me ya never know..he he he..Have a GREAT day!

Me on Metatrophin said...

Hey-- that looks fun! I can't believe how DIFFERENT the students at your school look from the ones at my school......