Thursday, September 25, 2008

ok.... my post are all out of order...

I have been playing around with picasa but have had a little trouble sooo.... you will notice my pictures are not in order really... I posted about our weekend but you may have to go to older posts to see where the story starts and then the pictures are in opposite order... can you tell it has been one of those days? I just wanted to get these pics up on the blog since I have been so swamped this week with work and Katie's birthday I have not had a chance to blog!!! so just know as you read this I am aware that the posts are out of order!! hee hee!! I can not wait to get pics this weekend of Katie's birthday dinner at Kobe and with the family! She is so excited... I get to go home and make about a million cupcakes for her class special snack tomorrow!! (I am not known for my baking ability!) so say a little prayer that I do not burn the house down!!! and in the midst of all the excitement I hope I can get my booty out to run!!! I have taken two days off... yikes.. I better get back on it!!! Check back soon for pics and see what my baby looks like as a 6 year old!!!!!


Me on Metatrophin said...

Wow- ours are sooo close in age! Garrett will be six Oct 23!