Thursday, October 23, 2008

Animal Kingdom

We spent a morning at the Animal Kingdom. I would have liked to spend more time at this park... more reason to go back! hee hee... but while there Kate played a drum with an african musician, we went on a safari, watched a FABULOUS Nemo musical, rode a couple of rides and Ben and Jen got totally soaked on the rapids!!! Lots of fun!!

Katie after she played her drum and kept a good african beat!!!

checking out some flamingos on the safari!!

part of the Nemo show... seriously guys, this show was sooo cool!!!

Here we are SOAKED to the core... Luckily I had a change of clothes for Ben... not so for me... I could ring out my shorts... and yes, I know.. white shorts... brilliant, heh!


The G' Unit said...

At least it wasn't a white shirt! *ha* Katie doesn't look too thrilled...he he he...Love her outfit!!

Stacey said...

Hi there, I was roaming through blogs and saw yours. We were just in Disney (including Animal Kingdom) this past June so I could identify with your pictures. I also like the songs you chose to feature. Hope you don't mind if I follow along in your blogging. You're welcome to follow mine too Maybe we'll find that we have a lot in common - who knows? Stacey in Indiana