Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Finally an update on my blog....

Finally, I am back here to update the blog... (this is for you Tritia... hee hee). To say that we have been busy is an understatement. Getting back into the routine is hard but very welcomed at our house. WE have all adjusted back into it and are going strong. I have gained a student teacher this week and it seems like she is going to do an awesome job. I almost forget what it was like to be in her shoes... learning so much etc. I am welcoming the added help and set of hands in the classroom as well!
THis past Friday, we had our STELLAR program celebration for those who attained National Board Certification. My parents came up for the event but after sitting in traffic, stopping to let Ben go potty, and trying to find a gas station that sells diesel for mom and dad's car.... they decided to forgo the ceremony and take the kids to mcDonalds and let Craig and I go by ourselves. Although, I really would have loved to have had them at the ceremony, after getting there I was so thankful they had taken the kids... they would have been miserable, hungry and BORED. SO thank you mom and dad for helping us out and giving Craig and I a nice evening out (dinner included).

Here is a picture of the group of teachers that went through the National Board process with me at my school. I think that our school had the most achieve this certification at one time!!! GO GSES!!!! Don't we all look fabulous in our black and white? totally not planned!!!


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The G' Unit said...

Yay...go sister! I love the black and white...love the red necklace...and Martha's too! Gotta love teachers!!