Friday, January 2, 2009


Craig took me along for his trip to the Outback Bowl in Tampa. Since I will not be able to make it to Miami for the National Championship, this was my trip for the season. It was gorgeous weather and a great time! We stayed on the water which was beautiful and were able to drive out to Clearwater one day. We had a great time eating and eating and exploring and eating some more. THe game was not so hot since South Carolina got slaughtered by Iowa but it was a nice little get away for both of us. We were able to really talk about stuff (I think we planned out the next 20 years of our life)hee hee. We had a great babysitter keep the kids in Birmingham. Unfortunately, Katie got sick the first night we were gone but she bounced back just fine!
The next couple of pictures are around the hotel we stayed at and our little walk on the beach!!!

I did not take a lot of pictures... I kept on forgetting the camera...

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