Sunday, December 21, 2008

Christmas with Mimi and Pop

Friday, my parents came to town for a quick visit and to celebrate Christmas with us. Ben and Katie just adore their Mimi and Pop so this was definately the highlight of their week. Mimi came with me and Katie to Ben's school for his Christmas party... and if you ever need good birth control just go to a three year old class party.... OH MY!!! Ben had a ball with his buddies. We came home and mom helped me cook mexican casserole. We all sat down at our little kitchen table and ate.... then it was present time!!! Ben got Handy Manny tool box with the singing tools and a huge workbench with tons of tools to work on stuff with. He was in heaven!!! I should have video taped him because he could not stop saying 'tank-u mimi and pop'. so sweet.
Katie got a pretty silver locket and 2 purses for church. Any little girls dream. They both got horses on sticks. They galloped all over this house...
Craig got a gift certificate to Orvis for his fly fishing vest and I got the best thing... a MONEY tree... OH YEAH!!!
But more important than the gifts was the time spent with them. Dad got to check out our new tv and helped Craig program the new high tech remote and I think we convinced him on Blue ray! I enjoyed just chatting with mama in the kitchen. It is so nice having them so close! Thanks to mom for sleeping with Ben... She basically had no sleep!!!
Here are a few pics from our time together!


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