Thursday, December 25, 2008

My First EvER Christmas Dinner

The next couple of posts are going to be out of order because I have pictures on different computers and on different cameras. (don't ask) This year I made the whole dinner by myself and from scratch... except for the turkey, which Craig smoked! I actually only had one "breakdown" during the cooking process... and it was about how my kitchen is too small,I dont have all the cooking utensils I need etc. But I made it through and all the food was edible!!! I used all of mom's recipes and I really relied on how mom would do things in years past... She always said timing is everything and boy she was right. So.... here is a picture of the main dishes... I was going to have a "Green" something but that did not pan out... so we ate a lot of orange and yellow... yum, yum!


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