Sunday, December 21, 2008

Family Mission Project to Acipco

Our church is partnered up with a church north of Birmingham. Every year at Christmas we adopt angels from their community. Each sunday school class takes a few angels and goes shopping for their wishes. This year, Craig and I decided to get more involved by being one of the families to deliver the gifts to the families. So today we loaded up the gifts and our kids and traveled in a caravan to Acipco. The community is very different there ours which was eye opening for Katie to see. "Why is that house burned, mommy?" "Why doesn't that house have doors, daddy?" were a few of the questions Katie had on the way to the church. We won't discuss the question" How did they get me and Ben out of your tummy, mommy?" yes, she asked that question today... oh mY!!! Anyways.... We arrived and brought in all the gifts. Katie and Ben were very eager to help in anyway possible. A little girl read scripture and prayed and did a far better job than I could have done! We shared a meal of chicken wings and meatballs and then watched as the gifts were handed out! It was very rewarding to be a part of this ministry and to really show Katie and Ben that it is far better to give than to receive! Here are a few pictures from our visit!


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