Sunday, March 22, 2009

Super Spring Day...

After our EXHAUSTING trip to Nashville yesterday all I wanted to do was hang out at home today... so after church that is just what we did. We are vert fortunate to have a great lake just down from our house and today was a perfect day to go fishing. Ok, I will be totally honest, I did NOT want to go fishing. We had played outside for a while and Ben and I had just settled on the couch for a little nap (I was hoping) and Katie runs out and says "Guess what guys, we are going fishing". I will not say what I was thinking but anyhoo, I got up and headed out with everyone and I am actually glad I did. I got some priceless pictures of the kids, watched Katie get her first hook in her finger, don't worry MIMI, it wasn't that bad and we washed her hand etc. thoroughly when we got home and witnessed Katie and Ben catch a fish. So here are a few snapshots from our day of fishing enjoying the awesome spring weather... I am so glad spring is here!!!

Who does she take after, I wonder??

My little Ben is no longer "little"

the first catch of the day!!

Ben FINALLY caught one.. I mean this took alot of patience on everyone's part to get this little guy a fish!!

Fishy kiss!!!